Strategic planning

Business planning is key to your success and attracting investors!


Your business idea will be combined with our extensive experience.

The Semma Management team has been part of and continues to support more than one start-up business - from Israeli startups and high-tech industry, through agriculture, automotive and medicine, developing smart and innovative solutions and approaches to existing challenges - we have already passed this road and continue to support our customers and partners. 

Planning with a clear strategy will bring you guaranteed success!

Strategic planning is often underestimated. The reality is difficult to predict and many start-up businesses and investors often rely only on intuition and a sense of flexibility. Together we will skillfully set the balance at all levels with a proven successful strategy. 


We will provide you with our contacts and skills.

How can we help you? With practical experience, with appropriate contacts, with the right specialists, with the adequate solution of a specific problem, with the identification of the real challenges, with the correct understanding of the environment, the market, the competition, with the opportunity to find the right investor for your project. with your planning and contacts, but also with the presentation of your idea - both to individuals and legal entities, and to financial institutions. 

Let's find out the right way together!
